I'm heading out tomorrow for a long weekend in NYC. It will take a car, a ferry, a taxi, and a subway ride for me to get there, but I will get there. If any of you in the NYC area will be around this weekend lookin' for something to do, here are two readings you can come to. I'd love to see/meet/drink and/or eat with you! I'll be reading some new poems and from the collaborative chapbook Dean and I wrote together (and apart) called ABSOLUTELY YOU, which you will be able to purchase on this website soon. And as you can see from the list below, I will be reading in great company. And then there will be revelry.
St. Mark's Poetry Project -- Friday, May 11th -- 6:00 pm
A Glorious Celebratory Festival Of Brief Readings From Some Recently Published & Highly Awesome Chapbooks To be Followed By Revelry
A group reading curated by Matthew Zapruder (author of American Linden (Tupelo Press, 2002) and The Pajamaist (Copper Canyon, 2006), celebrating poetry from recently released award-winning and self-published chapbooks, featuring:
Dottie Lasky, Valzhyna Mort, Dan Chelotti, Kate Hall, Cindy King, Betsy Wheeler, Travis Nichols, Monica Fambrough, Lori Shine, Kathy Ossip, Cole Heinowitz and Stephanie Ruth Anderson. Note the early start time of this Friday night event!
The St. Mark's Poetry Project is located at 131 E. 10th St., at 2nd Avenue.
KGB Monday Night Poetry Series: May 14th -- 7:30 pm
Chapbooks Night: a group reading of poets with recently released chapbooks, featuring Kate Hall, Cindy King, Ish Klein, Tonya Foster, Gina Myers, Dan Hoy, Betsy Wheeler, Travis Nichols, Monica Fambrough, Karen Wieser, Rebecca Hoogs, Valzhyna Mort.
KGB is located just west of 2nd Avenue in the East Village, at 85 E. 4th Street. All readings are on Monday nights, and start at 7:30 pm